Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thoughts from a proud daddy

The reflective daddy stuff:
Today I seen my 13 year old, Chloe, get her 7th grade awards AND my 10 year old, Austin, graduate from 5th grade and get his awards. He will be at the middle school next year. My school system was K-6th grade and then junior high....but not this school system. It just feels so weird that my kids are both going to be in middle school. Where did the years go?!

Oh what wastes of time!
This reflection of time flying by leads perfectly into our weight loss, or more specifically mine. For years, about 30 of them, I have dieted in some form. This will be redundant to those who read my history of diets in my old blog, forgive go with the flow. At 4 I was put on a diet by my pediatrician. This led to my mom packing my lunches, not letting me partake in the ice cream truck, going to Weight Watchers and even hypnosis. With the exception of one summer when I was about 12 or 13, I stayed fat. Between high school and now, about 17 years, I have did many things in an effort to lose weight. TOPS weight loss club, supplements, shakes, no carb diets, no fat diets, low calorie diets, cabbage soup diet, ear staple, self help books, prescription appetite suppressants and flipping myself with rubber bands when I wanted to eat. None worked. 17 years wasted, along with probably thousands of dollars. The reason they didn't work is because the only true solution is to eat healthy, move more and not pig out. Even with that solution, the old me still fights to eat the old way.

I have wasted so many years being overweight. So many times I could have been outside playing sports with the kids gone due to my lack of fitness. So many amusement park rides not ridden with the family due to not fitting. So many years of not feeling good enough due to the lack of self confidence from being so big. I could go on, but you get the point.

It is my pledge to use this year to lose my weight and live healthier. The second half of my kid's school years will be remembered as the time when their dad did more than ever before with them. Time is short and I refuse to waste anymore being overweight.

Now for the good stuff! 

On May 8, 2011 I weighed in at 389.6 lbs, which is about 24 less than the 413.## lbs I weighed in early March! This was 6.6 pounds less than last Tuesday's work weigh in. Keep in mind that these scales weighed me 6 pounds higher than the city's scales used for the contest, so this was even more encouraging.

Okay, I've went on long enough. I appreciate all those who read this and comment, but this is also my place to vent what's on my forgive me if some of the posts seem long, boring or all over the place. Take care friends.

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