Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Confession time...

I won't make excuses for the lack of posts, but I will give some reasons. We have back slid more than once the past two weeks on our eating. Besides that, school and work have occupied our time. So here I bare our confession and testimony that we are good now. Candy and chips, along with too large portions found us off and on last week. I am sure it set me back, but I have not weighed lately to see. With a renewed focus to lose weight, helped in part by a tiny school desk in my English class, we are back to tracking calories and have ditched the crap foods.

I will wrap this post up since it's so late, but I got a couple items to share. First, listen to Fat2Fit podcasts or online for tips and info on weight loss (click their link on our blog). Also download their awesome free app loaded with useful weight loss tools. Just search fat2fit in the app store. These guys are such great motivators and educators, as well as entertaining to listen to.

As always, we welcome all comments and words of ecouragement. We know our blog is rough around the edges, but we'll continue to try and improve the posts as our journey continues. Take care friends!



  1. Great job you two!!! I am also on the wagon (LOL) and ken is joining me (for health purposes for him). We have also (mostly) ditched the junk and have been losing it (along with our minds) for about two weeks. Will enjoy seeing you and Chloe progress to meet your goals. Way to go!! BTW, This blog looks awesome!~ mary

  2. Well Mike sounds like you know when you have "indulged" and realized your mistakes. That's OK, it happens! As long as your not giving up, and know that you will have as many triumphs in this battle as it seems that you will have downfalls. Just keep your chin up bud and remember exactly all the right reasons you are doing this for! PS Show that desk who the boss is! Might sneak one out after class is over since it seems like it is such a great motivator lol. Keep up the good work! Shannon

  3. Hi Mike,
    I am so proud of you and your beautiful daughter. You both ar doing a great job from what I am reading. I see where you posted that you fell off your dieting a little. Please don't let that get you two down. Just look at it as a learning experience. We learn from our mistakes. I am sure it's just made the two of you stronger. It's always great to see a father as yourself to get involved with something so important. I know your daughter and family love and appreciate you more. I know you are setting a good example for Chloe. What a great role model you are. Keep up the good work you two. Lean on each other for support and love. God bless..
    Connie Reid
