Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A big step...

I will get to the big step in a sec, but first a quick update since last week. I ate healthy every other meal last week. This past weekend I ate terrible crap. Thankfully though, I was able to get through yesterday and today eating very healthy and am feeling good already.

Now for my big step...

Today the family and I went to the local fitness center for the first time in years. I am very self conscious and being this overweight in front of fit folks terrified me. After much thought I realized I cannot succeed if I won't find the strength to overcome barriers. So at 6:30pm we walked in and worked out as a family.

I was so proud to see my 11 year old son give his all on the treadmill and bike for an entire hour. This is my kid that hates veggies and our neighborhood walks. Thank God he had fun there tonight! Crystal and Chloe sweated it out on the cardio machines.

Than there was me. I felt terribly out of place. Besides the bike and treadmill,  I hardly knew what else to use. Maybe it was in my head, but I think I was the only fat dude there...I certainly was the largest one there. So I took on the recumbent bike to begin and within minutes I stopped caring that I was the heaviest person there. I stopped thinking every buff dude was thinking I should be lifting weights not biking. Instead I focused on how great it was thst I was moving and getting healthy with my family and not sitting and eating crap at the house. I focused on the fact that for every day I do this, I will be that much closer to a new me.

Many weight loss success stories include the advice that it doesnt matter how you start exercising, just start. Today I started. I may be weeks from being in enough shape to do hardcore workouts, but to spend an hour my first day peddling, walking and light resistance training feels great!

More to come soon. Take care friends.

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