Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What's going on?

Today marks the second day that my get up and go seems have gone up and went. Yesterday I thought the reason my evening walk/jog became just a casual paced walk was my dinner. I had made a nice healthy dinner, but it was more carbs than usual with a sweet potato and corn on the cob. After tonight's walk though, I'm not so sure. I was even slower tonight and didn't hardly jog any at all. Dinner, which was 2 hours before my walk, was green beans and chicken breast so I know that wouldn't have made me sluggish. So now I wonder what the heck is going on.

Less than a week ago I was at my fastest/furthest jog/walk. I wanted to go as hard as my joints would allow. At my size it is hard to jog long distances, but I sucked it up and did it anyway. I am just not finding the desire to push myself these last couple days. Thankfully, Chloe and the other two are kicking butt every time we head to the track. So tomorrow I think I will ditch the walking track and head to the gym. I'm going to do some weights and then add a mile of treadmill. My hope is to conquer my anti-social shyness and ask someone to show me some weight exercises instead of me doing those weight machines that I am always scared I will topple over. Maybe tomorrow will be that day. Not trying to get all weight lifter huge, but I need to get some strength and build up what muscle I do have under all this flab.

I am very thankful to have my motivation still at an all time high. My eating habits are still strong...and I have ditched all diet sodas, even those with Splenda that I mentioned a few post ago. Maybe it is the last 3 days of drinking that crap after not having any for a month that has caused my sloth like slowness on the track. Maybe it's the frustration of thinking of how far I still have to go. Who knows what it is. Oh well, all I can do is keep on moving. After all, no matter how slow I may be now, I am faster than I was sitting on my couch.

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