Monday, June 24, 2013

Never too late...

After my last post inviting friends to join my weight loss support group on Facebook, things were kind of up and down. Thankfully though, there was no big fails and I am happy to be in an upbeat mood tonight posting on here. Let me bring you up to speed on Mike and Chloe (and family)...

The weight loss group is going strong with 18 members. Please check out my last post for details if you'd like to join us! This group has helped me by not only having the support of friends, but also the accountability factor since it was my idea to start it.

Exercise has not been a part of our routine, but we made some progress on this today. We had joined a gym in March, went 3 times and had not been back since the end of March. Some of my reasons for not going back were school got busy and some issues with my mom's health taking up my time. To be honest though, most of it was laziness and old habits. After much debate on cancelling the membership, we instead went today and worked out for an hour. It was not a hardcore workout like on Biggest Loser, but it was 30 minutes on a treadmill and 30 minutes on a bike. Next trip will include some strength training. Chloe and my son Austin joined in on the exercising and didn't take a single break. Unfortunately Crystal worked late and missed the fun. So after today, I guess we will keep the membership. I have also downloaded a Couch to 5k app for my phone that I am going to start tomorrow. I will do that around the neighborhood as I refuse to run in a gym and potentially break a treadmill or fall in front of an audience.

Eating has been the wildcard, but we also made progress on this today. There have been salads and grilled chicken. There has also been burgers and fries. As I sat in my recliner last night I had another one of those clarity moments, helped by aches in my chest, that remind me of how big I am and how short I should expect to live at my weight. I called my mom this morning to explain to her all that was on my mind about my weight, failures at losing it and how OUR routines and eating habits could not continue. I was so happy to hear my mom agree and fully profess her support for me and the family, as well as her own desire to improve on her nutrition. Instead of a trip to take her for an ice cream, we went and shopped for produce together.

My drink of choice has always been diet sodas. We all know the aspartame is not good for weight loss as it can increase appetite. Not to mention the additives and aspartame are clearly not good for your health. Regardless of all that, I grew up with Diet Pepsi-holics and became a Diet Dew-holic. So today I filled a 2 liter bottle with water and proceeded to drink it and an additional 32 ounces of it. Sure I have a dull caffeine headache, but I will feel much better in the long run by only drinking water.

So I know that was kind of all over the place, and mostly about me, but remember that I never claimed to be good at writing these posts. The point I hope this all makes is that no matter how long it has been since you ate right, no matter how much weight you have to lose, no matter how many fresh starts you have started, it is never to late to make a change for the better and keep moving forward!

Take care friends!

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